
Author (s):
 Harry Hervey (Author),
Kent Davis (Editor),
Pico Iyer (Foreword)
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Harry Hervey’s rare account takes us on a quest for a lost Khmer temple in 1925 French Indochina. Three stories march side-by-side to the measure of his cadenced prose: the impact of French colonialism on the Far East; the tale of the glorious Khmer civilization; and the sensual, barbaric lives of the region’s people in another era.

Renowned travel writer Pico Iyer opens with a provocative foreword, then we join Hervey on his trek, now lavishly illustrated with 140 vintage Indochina images by the author and from historian Joel Montague.

This expanded edition features an extensive author profile: Harry Hervey: The Charmer Behind the Cobra, by biographer Harlan Greene; a bibliography; anthropologist Margaret Mead’s 1928 review; and Hervey’s gruesome essay inspired by his Indochina voyage, The Lover of Madame Guillotine.

Other Releases

 King Cobra: an Autobiography of Travel in French Indo-China
The Cosmopolitan Book Co. (New York)  1927

Travels in French Indo-China
Thornton Butterworth (London) 1928


 The Lure of Hidden Treasure (forward by Pico Iyer)
 Inside the the Régie d’Opium (An excerpt)
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